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Steve Silver stellt in Köln aus!
von: Steve Silver am: 28.03.2011
Steve Silver, Reiseleiter auf den Radreisen Stadt per Rad New York und New Yorker Künstler, stellt einige seiner Werke in Köln aus. Anlass ist die Eröffung der neuen Galerie: KÖLN-ART - Moderne + Zeitgenossen, An der Eiche 1, 50678 Köln. Die Bilder sind ab dem 11. Mai zu sehen. Steve schreibt uns dazu:
These are paintings in my newest series, PRIMARY SCHOOL. I have finished 14 of them, am working on 2 more at the moment, and have enough material for 14 more after that. Each of these paintings is a cube, 12.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 cm., but i don't think im a cubist. That's the past. I'm using interference colors, which did not exist in the time of Braque and Picasso. I am interested in looking at colors that I've never seen before and these interferences enable me to do it.....